The Cendox V1 is awsome, it is my favorite vechile i have got so far. (I have got the: Axalara T9, Jetrax T6, Rockoh T3 and the Cendox V1.) I think the new head helmet is great and the treads at the back and the blades at the front make it look like it is built for riding on the ice and snow. The life conter is placed on the back of the Agori, Crotesius, unlike the other vechiles. It has also used the Jet Pack piece as an engine. The part i like about the vechiles is that they use armor and other pieces in loads of diferent ways. Well that is can think of, Please post back.
P.S. Thanks for the idea Gresh 96.
great review. Cendox is awesome isn't it.
ReplyDeletenice review.